Tuesday 25 September 2012


After almost a year of saving, then losing all my savings and having to save up all over again, I finally bought a Nikon D90 at the beginning of the month. I'd been planning to upgrade my D40 for a while because I wanted something more than an entry level SLR, and the D90 just ticked all the boxes for me.

I've been trying to get out as much as I can to take photos, but what with real life and rubbish weather getting in the way, I haven't always had the time.

However, I figured I'd share a few photos I've taken with it so far.

I'm very happy. Can't wait to get out more with it.


Tuesday 11 September 2012

Catch Up

Here are some photos from my glorious summer holiday. It feels like I came back ages ago which is rather depressing.

Oh, and I've finally upgraded to a Nikon D90. I'm still getting to grips with it but hopefully I'll have some exciting things to post soon.
